Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Spooky sights of Spreydon under threat

Shock announcement yesterday; the house at number XX Milton Street is up for sale!

Keen readers will remember that this house has some unique features, and members of this blog have been watching them with interest for some time now.

We wonder what will happen, but are reassured by the fact the said items are not included in the list of chatells with the house.

Not sure what they mean by "private views" however.


Friday, October 07, 2005

The following employees have been terminated in the HR system:

>>> 2005-10-07 5:34 a.m. >>>
This is an automatic message from the InfoCentre.

Oct 7 2005 5:34AM

The following employees have been terminated in the HR system:

Leader ID: 11
Employee Name: Gregory Comfort
Other System ID: A011
Worker Type: S
Position Account Code: 5295712111
Workplace: Lincoln
Designation: Marketing Support
Is Paid Employee: Yes