Friday, August 19, 2005

Bribe the electorate - abso-bloody-lutely!

Are Labour bribing us to vote? I bloody hope so.

For some reason NZers have become like the Aussies did in their last election, and will probably vote with their wallets in mind more than ever this time around.

And should Labour feel guilty about this? No way.

If the electorate is too thick to address issues properly and not bother listening to the mumbled low-hype of Dr Cullen, then Labour has no choice.

Whatever one may feel about National becoming government again, now is not the time. Don "what the hell is my policy on that again?" Brash winning this election would be like Bush winning in the US last time - a disaster. Brash is no Jenny Shipley. Think what you like about her, she at least had some idea of what she wanted to achieve and inspired people to follow her. She was a leader and understood the need for a leader to have a clear plan that they could communicate to everyone.

We have no idea what Don really thinks about too many issues, and in fact there are many saying his real ideas towards the poor, women, and culture would scare most people, and make NZ become like Indonesia or Malaysia.

No, National needs to get its act together (no pun intended) and find some real leadership in its ranks. The last few years of Labour has shown we need a far more effective and principled opposition. Voters need to see what real alternatives there are to a Labour-led government, or otherwise, they may as well vote for the benefit of their wallets.



At Friday, 19 August 2005 at 12:07:00 pm NZST, Blogger About Greg Comfort said...

Little addition. Just found this on Russell Brown's Public Address blog:

"There's also the issue of Dr Cullen's pronouncements in May about there being no room for tax cuts. Well, at $400m annually, this is going to be a smaller fiscal hit - by a factor of between four and seven times - than any across-the-board tax cut from National. And it fits with Cullen's consistent view of tax relief as a social policy instrument rather than an end in itself."

Speaks for itself really.

At Friday, 26 August 2005 at 8:45:00 am NZST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wordgirl: go easy on him — he has to leave himself room to explain later that what he really meant was...

Besides, you should go easy on him because he'd do the same for you — after all, you are a woman. ;^)


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