Friday, April 22, 2005

Spooky Sights of Spreydon

The House of Slime

There is
a house
in Milton Street.

They call
the House of Slime.

And it's been
the subject
of many a tale,
in the car pool
driving by.
(With apologies to The Animals)
Ffffaa fark sake! What is going on at number xx Milton Street? We don't know, but that hasn't stopped us having a few theories over the years.

It all started when mapguy came to work at The Department. Others had driven by for ages and had not noticed, but mapguy did. Something odd in the window of one of the houses on Milton Street. Something slimey and strangely disconcerting, yet reassuring in its reliability. Check this out.

The snail house of Milton Street

Can you see them? No?

Look a closer look.

What are those snails doing?

Yep. Those are ceramic snails. They face the same way all the time, but they are removed at night and put back again sometime after 8am each morning. Weekend's no exception.

What the bjesus is that about? We have theories alright.
  1. It's a sign to the householder's lover that their spouse is away.
  2. It's a sign to say the latest batch of crack is available.
  3. The householder likes snails.
  4. The householder is madder than Mad Jack McMad, winner of last year's Mr Madman Competition.
  5. None of the above.
Tell us what you think might be going on? Beats us.



At Thursday, 5 May 2005 at 8:00:00 am NZST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very odd. What number Milton Street is this bastion of infidelity, crack smoking and snail loooove?

I feel this needs independent verification.

At Wednesday, 8 June 2005 at 12:49:00 pm NZST, Blogger About Greg Comfort said...

No numbers. We wouldn't want to be sued or anything!

Just look carefully near the Strickland Street end of Milton.


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